
ShaRelle Gutierrez ShaRelle Gutierrez

Elevated self-worth; the unexpected side effect of a boudoir session

“You would be shocked, or maybe not, because you’re truly amazing, how many people still ask to see my photos because they were so well done, artistically and tastefully. I am regularly asked by friends and their acquaintances to show my photos to girls looking at getting a set done, because they’re always inspired by them. I just want to tell you thank you. You honestly changed a huge part of my life with those photos.”

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ShaRelle Gutierrez ShaRelle Gutierrez

Will 2021 Be The Year You Invest In Yourself?

Having a visual daily reminder will help on those days where it seems hard or impossible to drown out that voice. I have a family photo up on our wall from this year that I love and it reminds me daily that I am a good mother, a good wife and I feel beautiful.

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