Should You Do Boudoir After Weight-loss Surgery and How to Deal With Scars
Should I do my boudoir session before or after weight-loss surgery?
The short answer is to do it now, if you have not done surgery yet, book your session, if you’ve already had surgery then book it now. The point of boudoir is to love the body you are in right now. I will be sharing a story from a recent client who has gone through weight-loss surgery and skin removal. During her phone consult, she told me that she has seen so many beautiful curvy women on our website and Facebook Group (If you are in the Raleigh NC Area please join) that look absolutely amazing that she wished she had done a session before her surgery!
“But here I am, loving myself, every scar, every imperfection.”
Doing a boudoir session is a very vulnerable experience, most people feel totally out of their comfort zone when booking a session. That is totally normal, sometimes people feel like they need to change something about themselves first, most common is to lose weight. I’ve gone over why that’s a lie you tell yourself in other blogs like 3 Reasons You Don’t Need To Lose Weight Before Your Boudoir Session.
What if you can’t change the thing you are most concerned about? I have had a lot of clients come in to be photographed after weightloss surgery and skin removal with scars that they can’t do anything about. Sometimes clients will ask if I photoshop them out, and while yes I could, I tell them that I want to show them their photos with the scars and if they are unhappy with them, then we can talk about removing them. I am happy to say that none of my clients have ever chosen to have them removed. All have embraced them and found that they still looked super sexy despite the scars. This goes for all surgery scars, not just skin removal or weight-loss surgery. There is something truly empowering about seeing your “flaws” and realizing they don’t define you.
A Real Client’s Perspective
I recently photographed a beautiful client and she gave me permission to share her story and photos.
“I never thought in a million and 5 years that I’d get naked in front of a complete stranger. But there I was, naked as a jay bird. Baring all to see, fierce and sexy. I didn’t just do sexy, I set out to be unstoppable. Ladies, seriously, don’t be on the fence. Take that plunge.
ShaRelle has no idea what she’s done for my mentality and self-perception. Ive went from being raised in foster care with no family straight into domestic violence, left to raise my boys alone physically and financially. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, mentally and physically. Going from 315lbs to 130! Plastic surgery that was a shit show, and scars to prove it.
But here I am, loving myself, every scar, every imperfection. I cried when I saw my pics, I was in shock that it was actually me! Ladies, love yourself, embrace yourself, and at the end of the day, be fierce!”