Lingerie! Who Really Wears It?

What We’ve Been Told About Lingerie

Being a boudoir photographer in Sanford you may think I wear lingerie on the regular, but the truth is, I don’t and many of my clients don’t either! Growing up I remember seeing very few pieces of lingerie in my parents’ room. The few pieces my mother had were buried in the back of her drawer and we didn’t talk about it. As I grew older, I remember her in a parent-to-child way explaining lingerie was only for a special occasion. She was never even one to own a matching bra and panty set. My mother also only shaved her legs up to her knee, because why bother going higher no one was going to see her legs above the knee.

What Media Has Told Us About Lingerie

Then when you watch tv or movies lingerie is again implied that it’s only for those special moments. And that it’s very rarely worn outside of those special occasions unless you are someone who has an alternative lifestyle or has a job that requires you to wear it. So, if this is how we are brought up to think about lingerie, who is it really for?

Should Lingerie Be Worm For Ourselves or Others?

I say both! There is nothing wrong with putting on a sexy piece and showing it off to a loved one to add to the mood. No, I’m not saying that you need to go out of your way to put it on. But who doesn’t want to play dress-up every once in a while? Especially when you know you get the fun of having them take it off. Am I right? But I do believe you need to wear it for yourself. Buy that sexy matching bra and panty set. It doesn’t have to be the kind that you would wear out of the house. It can be as simple as the lace sets that you can wear to sleep in. Or go all out and put the extra sexy pieces on and dress up for you. I know I feel like a more put-together woman when I am wearing my “fancy” panties. Recently I went to Soma and bought several new bras and panties because I was still wearing all of my nursing bralettes, which offer zero support and my boobies could sure use a lift. I finished breastfeeding my second child 6 months ago! I also had panties that were literally embarrassing! So I needed an upgrade stat! I know I am not alone here. I can honestly say that’s the best money I’ve spent on myself in a while!

What Kind Of Lingerie Should I Get?

There are so many options out there on what you can wear and where you can buy it. Nowadays lingerie can be seen as a part of an everyday outfit in public. I’ve seen many ads for women wearing a sheer bodysuit with jeans and a jacket out in public. Or the extra strappy bras where you see the criss-cross under the shirt in the neckline. So, I say take the leap, buy the piece you have been eyeing. If you’re not comfortable wearing it for someone, wear it for you. You're allowed to feel sexy in your own home. If you are local to the Raleigh area try The Perky Lady, Priscilla McCall’s, J. Alanes Fine Lingerie

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